История изменений

Исправление crypt, (текущая версия) :

а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код? у меня, ес-но, никаких гитар нет, чтобы гнать звук, а главное, всеравно нужно понимать, как это тюнить.

во FreeBSD довольно большой набор тюнинга через sysctl

в том числе смотри

	     Sample rate rounding threshold, to	avoid large prime division at
	     the cost of accuracy.  All	requested sample rates will be rounded
	     to	the nearest threshold value.  Possible values range between 0
	     (disabled)	and 500.  Default is 25.

	     Configure the buffering latency.  Only affects applications that
	     do	not explicitly request blocksize / fragments.  This tunable
	     provides finer granularity	than the hw.snd.latency_profile	tun-
	     able.  Possible values range between 0 (lowest latency) and 10
	     (highest latency).

	     Define sets of buffering latency conversion tables	for the
	     hw.snd.latency tunable.  A	value of 0 will	use a low and aggres-
	     sive latency profile which	can result in possible underruns if
	     the application cannot keep up with a rapid irq rate, especially
	     during high workload.  The	default	value is 1, which is consid-
	     ered a moderate/safe latency profile.

Исправление crypt, :

а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код?

во FreeBSD довольно большой набор тюнинга через sysctl

в том числе смотри

	     Sample rate rounding threshold, to	avoid large prime division at
	     the cost of accuracy.  All	requested sample rates will be rounded
	     to	the nearest threshold value.  Possible values range between 0
	     (disabled)	and 500.  Default is 25.

	     Configure the buffering latency.  Only affects applications that
	     do	not explicitly request blocksize / fragments.  This tunable
	     provides finer granularity	than the hw.snd.latency_profile	tun-
	     able.  Possible values range between 0 (lowest latency) and 10
	     (highest latency).

	     Define sets of buffering latency conversion tables	for the
	     hw.snd.latency tunable.  A	value of 0 will	use a low and aggres-
	     sive latency profile which	can result in possible underruns if
	     the application cannot keep up with a rapid irq rate, especially
	     during high workload.  The	default	value is 1, which is consid-
	     ered a moderate/safe latency profile.

Исправление crypt, :

а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код?

во FreeBSD довольно большой набор тюнинга через sysctl

hw.snd.maxautovchans: 16
hw.snd.default_unit: 4
hw.snd.version: 2009061500/amd64
hw.snd.default_auto: 1
hw.snd.verbose: 4
hw.snd.vpc_mixer_bypass: 1
hw.snd.feeder_rate_quality: 2
hw.snd.feeder_rate_round: 25
hw.snd.feeder_rate_max: 2016000
hw.snd.feeder_rate_min: 1
hw.snd.feeder_rate_polyphase_max: 183040
hw.snd.feeder_rate_presets: 100:8:0.85 100:36:0.92 100:164:0.97
hw.snd.feeder_eq_exact_rate: 0
hw.snd.feeder_eq_presets: PEQ:16000,0.2500,62,0.2500:-9,9,1.0:44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
hw.snd.basename_clone: 1
hw.snd.compat_linux_mmap: 0
hw.snd.syncdelay: -1
hw.snd.usefrags: 0
hw.snd.vpc_reset: 0
hw.snd.vpc_0db: 45
hw.snd.vpc_autoreset: 0
hw.snd.timeout: 5
hw.snd.latency_profile: 1
hw.snd.latency: 0
hw.snd.report_soft_matrix: 1
hw.snd.report_soft_formats: 1

в том числе смотри

	     Sample rate rounding threshold, to	avoid large prime division at
	     the cost of accuracy.  All	requested sample rates will be rounded
	     to	the nearest threshold value.  Possible values range between 0
	     (disabled)	and 500.  Default is 25.

	     Configure the buffering latency.  Only affects applications that
	     do	not explicitly request blocksize / fragments.  This tunable
	     provides finer granularity	than the hw.snd.latency_profile	tun-
	     able.  Possible values range between 0 (lowest latency) and 10
	     (highest latency).

	     Define sets of buffering latency conversion tables	for the
	     hw.snd.latency tunable.  A	value of 0 will	use a low and aggres-
	     sive latency profile which	can result in possible underruns if
	     the application cannot keep up with a rapid irq rate, especially
	     during high workload.  The	default	value is 1, which is consid-
	     ered a moderate/safe latency profile.

Исходная версия crypt, :

а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код?