Исправление crypt, (текущая версия) :
а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код? у меня, ес-но, никаких гитар нет, чтобы гнать звук, а главное, всеравно нужно понимать, как это тюнить.
во FreeBSD довольно большой набор тюнинга через sysctl
в том числе смотри https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=snd&sektion=4
Sample rate rounding threshold, to avoid large prime division at
the cost of accuracy. All requested sample rates will be rounded
to the nearest threshold value. Possible values range between 0
(disabled) and 500. Default is 25.
Configure the buffering latency. Only affects applications that
do not explicitly request blocksize / fragments. This tunable
provides finer granularity than the hw.snd.latency_profile tun-
able. Possible values range between 0 (lowest latency) and 10
(highest latency).
Define sets of buffering latency conversion tables for the
hw.snd.latency tunable. A value of 0 will use a low and aggres-
sive latency profile which can result in possible underruns if
the application cannot keep up with a rapid irq rate, especially
during high workload. The default value is 1, which is consid-
ered a moderate/safe latency profile.
Исправление crypt, :
а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код?
во FreeBSD довольно большой набор тюнинга через sysctl
в том числе смотри https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=snd&sektion=4
Sample rate rounding threshold, to avoid large prime division at
the cost of accuracy. All requested sample rates will be rounded
to the nearest threshold value. Possible values range between 0
(disabled) and 500. Default is 25.
Configure the buffering latency. Only affects applications that
do not explicitly request blocksize / fragments. This tunable
provides finer granularity than the hw.snd.latency_profile tun-
able. Possible values range between 0 (lowest latency) and 10
(highest latency).
Define sets of buffering latency conversion tables for the
hw.snd.latency tunable. A value of 0 will use a low and aggres-
sive latency profile which can result in possible underruns if
the application cannot keep up with a rapid irq rate, especially
during high workload. The default value is 1, which is consid-
ered a moderate/safe latency profile.
Исправление crypt, :
а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код?
во FreeBSD довольно большой набор тюнинга через sysctl
hw.snd.maxautovchans: 16
hw.snd.default_unit: 4
hw.snd.version: 2009061500/amd64
hw.snd.default_auto: 1
hw.snd.verbose: 4
hw.snd.vpc_mixer_bypass: 1
hw.snd.feeder_rate_quality: 2
hw.snd.feeder_rate_round: 25
hw.snd.feeder_rate_max: 2016000
hw.snd.feeder_rate_min: 1
hw.snd.feeder_rate_polyphase_max: 183040
hw.snd.feeder_rate_presets: 100:8:0.85 100:36:0.92 100:164:0.97
hw.snd.feeder_eq_exact_rate: 0
hw.snd.feeder_eq_presets: PEQ:16000,0.2500,62,0.2500:-9,9,1.0:44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
hw.snd.basename_clone: 1
hw.snd.compat_linux_mmap: 0
hw.snd.syncdelay: -1
hw.snd.usefrags: 0
hw.snd.vpc_reset: 0
hw.snd.vpc_0db: 45
hw.snd.vpc_autoreset: 0
hw.snd.timeout: 5
hw.snd.latency_profile: 1
hw.snd.latency: 0
hw.snd.report_soft_matrix: 1
hw.snd.report_soft_formats: 1
в том числе смотри https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=snd&sektion=4
Sample rate rounding threshold, to avoid large prime division at
the cost of accuracy. All requested sample rates will be rounded
to the nearest threshold value. Possible values range between 0
(disabled) and 500. Default is 25.
Configure the buffering latency. Only affects applications that
do not explicitly request blocksize / fragments. This tunable
provides finer granularity than the hw.snd.latency_profile tun-
able. Possible values range between 0 (lowest latency) and 10
(highest latency).
Define sets of buffering latency conversion tables for the
hw.snd.latency tunable. A value of 0 will use a low and aggres-
sive latency profile which can result in possible underruns if
the application cannot keep up with a rapid irq rate, especially
during high workload. The default value is 1, which is consid-
ered a moderate/safe latency profile.
Исходная версия crypt, :
а как это можно выяснить минимальные зарежки? есть какой-то код?