Исправление crypt, (текущая версия) :
у меня стоит pipewire, но от него почти ничего не зависит:
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 7 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):
Installed packages to be REMOVED:
fluidsynth: 2.3.1
pipewire: 0.3.62
sdl2: 2.26.1
sdl2_image: 2.6.2_2
sdl2_mixer: 2.6.2_1
sdlpop: 1.22
wine: 7.0.1,1
Number of packages to be removed: 7
The operation will free 338 MiB.
Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]
Исходная версия crypt, :
у меня стоит pipewire, но от него почти ничего не зависит:
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 7 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):
Installed packages to be REMOVED:
fluidsynth: 2.3.1
pipewire: 0.3.62
sdl2: 2.26.1
sdl2_image: 2.6.2_2
sdl2_mixer: 2.6.2_1
sdlpop: 1.22
wine: 7.0.1,1
Number of packages to be removed: 7
The operation will free 338 MiB.
Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]