Исправление crypt, (текущая версия) :
а еще polkit… который не только каждый DE тащит, а вообще прикладной софт…
A bug lurking for 12 years gives attackers root on most major Linux distros
a 12-year-old vulnerability in a system tool called Polkit gives attackers unfettered root privileges on machines running most major distributions of the open source operating system.
Trivial to exploit and 100 percent reliable
Исправление crypt, :
а еще polkit… который каждый DE тащит…
A bug lurking for 12 years gives attackers root on most major Linux distros
a 12-year-old vulnerability in a system tool called Polkit gives attackers unfettered root privileges on machines running most major distributions of the open source operating system.
Trivial to exploit and 100 percent reliable
Исходная версия crypt, :
а еще polkit…
A bug lurking for 12 years gives attackers root on most major Linux distros
a 12-year-old vulnerability in a system tool called Polkit gives attackers unfettered root privileges on machines running most major distributions of the open source operating system.
Trivial to exploit and 100 percent reliable